This Site was last updated on: July 1, 2024
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June 30, 2024

The Picks page is now live with June's picks.

Have a great week and keep it safe!

June 25, 2024

That batch of reviews is now live. Should have June's picks up sometime this weekend!

Have the rest of  great week and keep it safe!

June 23, 2024

Just a quick check in. Just about wrapped up on a batch of reviews. Been kind of a slow month and July is looking similar to this point. Anyway, did post up the next 4 weeks of releases and will be updating picks in the next week or so for June. Watch for the reviews in the next couple of days. Some really good stuff in this batch.

Have a great week and keep it safe!

June 3, 2024

Just posted some album reviews. Also, I did update picks and the upcoming release schedule for the next few weeks. 

Have a great week and keep it safe!

May 12, 2024

Just posted the latest batch of reviews! Very good stuff!

Have a great week and keep it safe as always!

April 28, 2024

Just posted more reviews. Plenty of variety with these 5 albums. I also updated the upcoming release section to reflect the first 4 weeks of May. 

I will probably post April's picks mid week, usually like to have that done by the end of the month.

Have a great week and keep it safe!

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